Algemene teksten - deel 1
Analyses per zending
Vergelijking met de EU normen
Additieven en technologische hulpstoffen
- GB 14880-2012 on Nutritional Fortification substances in food
- GB 2760-2015- on Food additives
- DRAFT- GB 14880 on Nutritional Fortification substances in food (2014)
- GB 2762 - 2017 on Limits of Contaminants in Foods
- GB 31650 - 2019 on MRLs Veterinary Drugs
- GB 29921-2013 on Pathogen Limits for Food
- DRAFT - GB 29921 on Pathogens in Prepackaged foods (2020)
Standaard per type zuivelproduct
- GB 25192-2022 on processed cheese, in chinese
- DRAFT - GB 25192- xxxx on processed cheese (2020)
- GB 13102-2022 evaporated & condensed milk, in chinese
- DRAFT - GB 13102 - xxxx evaporated & condensed milk (2020)
- GB 19645-2010 on pasteurized milk
- GB 25190-2010 on sterilized milk
- GB 25191-2010 on modified milk
- GB 19302-2010 on fermented milk
- DRAFT - GB 19644 on milkpowder (2020)
- GB 19646-2010 on cream - butter and anhydrous milk fat
- DRAFT - on cream - butter and AMF (2021) in Chinese
- GB 11674-2010 on whey powder and whey protein powder
- DRAFT - GB 11674-2010 on whey powder and whey protein (2020)
Zuivelbrede wetgeving
- GB/T 27342-2009: Chinese HACCP System - General requirements for a dairy processing plant
- Implementation Measures of China's Decree 152 for Dairy Products - 2013
Algemene voedingswetgeving
- GB/T 27341 - 2009: Chinese HACCP system - General requirements for a food processing plant
- GB 14881-2013: Chinese general hygiene regulation for food production
- DRAFT - Administrative measures on import and export food safety (2021)
- Implementing Regulation of the Food Safety Law - 2019 ( unofficial translation)
- Food Safety Law - 2015 (unofficial translation)
- Lijst van in China voor gebruik in levensmiddelen toegestane fermenten (2019)
Registratie van productiesites
- GACC Decree 248 on Overseas Facilities Registration Regulation - 2021 (unofficial translation)
Algemene teksten - deel 2
- GB 28050-2011: Chinese Standard for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
- GB 7718-2011: Chinese General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
- GB 13432-2013: Chinese National Food Safety Standard Food Labeling of Prepackaged Special Diet
Bepalingen, tellingen en microbiologisch onderzoek
BCZ beschikt over heel wat Chinese standaarden betreffende de precieze verwachtingen op vlak van:
- de samenstelling van zuivelproducten, en
- de te hanteren testmethoden voor bepaalde contaminanten in zuivelproducten.
Indien u hierover vragen heeft, kan u steeds terecht bij het BCZ-secretariaat.
- GB 4789.1-2010: Chinese general guidelines on food microbiological examination
- DRAFT - GB 14882: Chinese standard on restrict concentration of radionuclides in food (2013)
Good manufacturing practises
- GB 12693 - Good manufacturing practice for milk products
- GB 12693 - Comparison CN standards with EU legislation
- GB 23790 - Good manufacturing practice for powdered formula for infants and young children
Biologische productie
- Chinese organic standard and certification rules - Summary (in English)